Welcome To The Home Of My New Blog

Welcome to the new home of my blog. Due to recent request for my regular web site to be viewed on mobile devices, I decided since I was transferring everything over to a wordpress site, I would also transfer my blog. This will allow me to have everything in one place instead of the blog being outside of my actual web site.
For those of you that are new to my blog, thank you for coming. To all of my old followers, I hope you have made the transition with me so you don’t miss out on my articles. I will slowly be moving my old articles over to this site, but until then they will remain on the Everything Spirit blog page.
I am just getting my feet wet here on this new site, so please bear with me as I try to get it up and running.
As always, if there is a subject you would like me to address just let me know and I’ll see what I can do with the topic.
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