
tarot videosI have been offering free tarot card lessons on my site for the last few weeks. These lessons will continue for the next few months with the articles appearing on my blog. I’m a visual person, feel I can learn better fromĀ  videos than from a written article. I began to think there may be more people out there like me that would rather have a video to watch than read an article, so I decided I would start creating videos for each lesson. As the weeks go on, I will be adding the videos to both this page on my site, as well as my YouTube channel. This will give you two places to be able to view the lessons. The lessons will still be available for printing on each article. You can use the print friendly icon located at the bottom of the article in the share icon feature.

Be sure to subscribe to my blog for email notifications to remind you to check back each Monday for a new lesson, both in print and video. You can also like my page on Facebook and follow me on Twitter where I will be posting as new lessons are done. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Be sure to have the sound turned on so you can hear, as well as see the videos. If you have any problems viewing them here on my site, you can always go to my Facebook page or directly to my YouTube channel.



Introductions to Readings By Ms. Yvonne Video

Tarot Lessons, Getting Started, Learning About The Tarot Deck Video

Tarot Lesson, Week Two, Minor Arcana, The Four Aces Video

ms yvonne


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