You Pick The Topic Contest, Win A Free Mini Reading

You pick the topic contest and you can win a free mini reading. Yes, you did read that correctly, this is a topic contest where you get to pick the topic for my article. If your idea is chosen by me to write an article for my blog, you will win a free mini email reading.
Does this sound a little crazy to you? Well maybe, but I often find when I’m looking for a certain subject, it’s not always easy to find an article that explains things in terms I can understand. For me, there is nothing more frustrating than finding the article is written in such technical terms I can’t make heads or tails of what I’m reading. This gave me the notion that I’m not alone in this quandary and there are a lot of you out there in the same fix.
I have clients coming to me all the time telling me they are trying to find articles on various subjects dealing with psychic or tarot readings, spirituality, relationships, smudging, crystals and the list goes on. When they do find the article, they are not able to understand a lot of the terminology the writer is using.
One case in point was a client I had about six months ago wanted to know if I could do her astrological natal chart. She had a lot of questions about what she could expect, but because I do not do astrology, know next to nothing about it, I couldn’t help her. She decided to try to find out more about what to expect from the reading, so she googled it. Long story short, she contacted me saying she found several articles but they were so confusing because of the terminology they used, she just gave up. Lucky for her, I know several people in the business that do astrology so I referred her to a few different sites. After reading explanations she could understand, she decided the answers she needed were ones I had already given her in a tarot reading so there was no need for the astrological chart just then. She did say she would keep those sites in mind should she decide to have one of them do her natal chart. If you’re not sure of what type of reading will best answer your questions, I have listed a little bit about the different types of readings on my Information page that might help you decide exactly what you need to get the correct reading.
Years ago when I started writing content for the internet, a great man reminded me to write what you know, write what people are looking for, and write it in a way that anyone will be able to understand what you’re trying to say. I’ve tried to follow that advice in all aspects of my writing.
How the Pick the Topic Contest Works
- There really are no set rules. You pick a topic, either post it here in the comments or on my Facebook page. If your topic is chosen, I’ll write the article and you will receive a free mini email reading.
- Do not ask me a question specific to you and expect a reading rather than an informative article.
- While you might think you are the only one with this topic question, I can almost assure you there is someone else out there trying to find the same answers and will benefit from the article.
- Please look over my blog and make sure your topic is in line with the types of articles I write, but if you have any questions about your idea being the right fit, post and I’ll let you know.
- If you don’t enter, you can’t win.
- If there are duplicate topics, the first one to post it will be the winner.
So what are you waiting for, pick the topic contest starts now and ends on Friday, July 24. The winner will be picked and announced on Saturday, the 25th. I’ll let the winner, as well as everyone else, know when the article is published. If I see a lot of entries with good topics, I may just pick a new one every week and each topic contest winner will receive a free mini email reading.
Be sure to check back on Saturday to see who’s idea was chosen and will win the free mini reading. You can subscribe to my blog, follow my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter to be see who won the topic contest.
As always, I’m available for readings. Please be sure to check the clock on the right for my correct time zone as I am on the west coast of the USA.
I would really love to know more about how I can connect with loved ones who have past away. Learn how to intuit and differentiate between my own thoughts/feelings and messages that are sent to me.
Sorry I meant to leave my post vague without “I”
Hi, If you are asking about contacting loved ones that have passed, that would be doing mediumship readings. While I do receive messages from deceased loved ones, I’m not an expert enough to teach someone. It’s hard to tell if you are really getting a message because we often are wanting to hear from them to help heal us. I do feel you can actually receive the messages yourself, you just need to trust yourself that what you are getting is real. I have questioned myself from time to time. When this happens, I write down the message, step back away from it for a day, then go back to see if it really reflects the person I feel was sending the message. Wish I could help more, but I think you just need to learn to trust your instincts. Ms. Yvonne
Topic: Astrology Synergy in Soul Connections
As I don’t do astrology, I can’t really write on the subject. However, I do have colleagues that do astrology and have given me links to two articles that might help you.
Relationship Compatibility Astrologically Speaking and
Soulmate Relationships The Truth About Venus and Mars. Sorry, you can’t win but hope this helps in some way.