Tag: spiritual

  • Smudging: New Age Fad or Ancient Tradition

    Smudging: New Age Fad or Ancient Tradition

    Smudging, is it a New Age Fad or an Ancient Tradition? I guess it really depends on who you ask. There are people who heard it was used to sell a house say they thought it was just a lot of New Age baloney. Yet there are many who feel it really works. However, if…

  • Being Honest About The Roadblocks On Your Spiritual Path

    Being Honest About The Roadblocks On Your Spiritual Path

    If I’m being honest about the biggest roadblocks on my own spiritual path, I would have to say getting out of my own way. Some may understand this with no explanation, but for those that can’t, let me explain. Being honest about the roadblocks on your spiritual path may not be the easiest thing to…